"Attack of the Killer App" is the third episode of the sixth season of the animated sitcom, ''Futurama'' which first aired July 1, 2010 on Comedy Central. The episode focuses on the release of the new eyePhone, resulting in Fry posting a viral video of Leela on the Internet. Craig Ferguson, host of ''The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson'', guest stars as Leela's singing boil, Susan. ==Plot== The episode opens with the Planet Express crew recycling their old electronics. Hubert J. Farnsworth announces that they will be delivering all the Earth’s recyclables to the Third World of the Antares system. After dropping them off, they decide it would be better to keep using their old electronics. This changes when they see a commercial for MomCorp’s new eyePhone. The crew all buy eyePhones, which feature a wide variety of applications, including the Twitcher application. Bender and Fry get into a competition to get the most followers, wagering a dollar and stating that the loser must jump into a tub of two-headed alien goat vomit and diarrhea. Meanwhile, Mom reveals to her sons that the eyePhones allow her to direct market to the users, based on what they post on Twitcher. She also reveals her evil plan wherein the “twit worm” will be transmitted as soon as someone has one million followers. The twit worm will work as a virus infecting the human brain and making people into mindless zombies that follow her every whim. Fry decides he needs to have more interesting twits in order to beat Bender. He soon discovers that Leela has a boil, named Susan, which sings show tunes. Fry shares video of the boil on his eyePhone, in spite of his promise not to. The video is a hit and Leela is ridiculed wherever she goes. Fry and Bender both reach one million followers simultaneously and Mom transmits the twit worm to all of their followers, including Hermes Conrad, Amy Wong and Pro. Farnsworth. Leela discovers that her humiliation is old news and that a new video has everyone’s attention. She forgives Fry and he reveals to her that he posted a video of himself completing the loser’s side of the bet in order to make up for the humiliation he caused her. Meanwhile, Mom's virus activates turning Fry and Bender's followers to zombies who get in line to buy the eyePhone 2.0 while Mom looks on satisfied. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Attack of the Killer App」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク